
Preparation guide

Ai întrebări legate de preparare?

AeroPress (classic method)

  • Cantitate cafea: 18g (rație cafea/apă: 1/13,9)

  • Water quantity: 250g

  • Grind setting: very coarse (10)

  • Brew water temperature: 96° C (range to be explored 95° C - 97° C)

  • Preinfusion: 30 seconds

  • Total preparation time: 1:10 minutes

Preparation method

  1. Place the paper filter into the basket and screw it onto the cylinder, then place it on top of a cup/serving glass and rinse the walls and the filter well with hot water (don't forget to throw away the water used for rinsing).

  2. Grind the coffee and pour it into the AeroPress.

  3. Torni 50g apă și amesteci viguros timp de 3 secunde cu padela, preinfuzând pentru 30 de secunde.

  4. Pour the remaining 196g of water and mix again for 3 seconds.

  5. At 0:55 place the piston into the Aeropress cylinder and start pressing moderately but steadily, so that the extraction is completed at 1:10.

  6. Pour the coffee into preheated cups, wait for its temperature to drop below 60° C and enjoy.

AeroPress (reverse method)

  • Cantitate cafea: 16 g (rație cafea/apă: 1/15)

  • Cantitate apă: 240g

  • Grind setting: medium (6)

  • Brew water temperature: 85° C (range to be explored 80° C - 90° C)

  • Preinfusion: 30 seconds

  • Total preparation time: 1:30 minutes

Preparation method

  1. Place the paper filter into the basket and rinse it well with hot water, over a cup. Discard the water from the cup.

  2. Reverse the AeroPress (turn it upside down), remove the piston to just below mark 4 and preheat it with hot water.

  3. Grind the coffee and pour it into the AeroPress.

  4. Torni 40 g apă și amesteci viguros timp de 5 secunde cu padela, preinfuzând pentru 30 de secunde.

  5. Pour the remaining 200g of water and mix again for 5 seconds.

  6. At 1:20, screw the sieve with the paper filter onto the Aeropress cylinder and place a cup/glass server over it, then turn it upside down, together with the cup (cup down to the table).

  7. Press the piston lightly but with constant pressure, just until you hear the first sound of air coming out of the sieve. This step should take about 30 seconds.

  8. Pour the coffee into preheated cups, wait for its temperature to drop below 60° C and enjoy.


The method of preparation, quantities, times and temperatures given are indicative - not absolute - and reflect our taste. We encourage you to experiment by changing one parameter at a time, allowing for easy understanding on how to achieve the results you desire.

The grind setting is expressed numerically on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is very fine (ibrik setting) and 10 is very coarse (French Press). This number scale corresponds to the Mahlkönig VTA 6ST professional grinder.

AeroPress is a registered trademark of Aerobie, Inc.

Ți-am făcut poftă de cafea preparată la Aeropress?

See the coffees